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moodLearning dokuWiki is a public-facing wiki of SerbizHub and moodLearning. Affiliates and partners are most welcome to use it. moodLearning is a “one-stop shop” for eLearning and technology services in the Philippines. SerbizHub is its trademark for technology services for the enterprise.
To edit a page, access credentials are needed. For questions, contact the Serbizhub Support Team ([email protected]).

Some of the related technology support services that moodLearning offers include the following:
proctorial - online exam proctoring and administration integrated into your learning management system
ml-box - portable, wifi-ready offline eLearning resources in a box. Most suitable for conducting training in locations where the internet is spotty if not altogether inaccessible.
learner-session-tracker - plugin for a learning management system (LMS) to track in great details the hours spent by a learner on activities in a course
ml-ecoach - mentoring platform on top of your Learning Management System (LMS), now downloadable as part of the
Blearn Mobile
elibrary-system - a stand-alone repository of instructional materials for rural schools
Library in a Box - portable digital library meant to be deployed in remote locations
UnliMeet - asynchronous meeting management plugin
publishone - a support service for journal publication
ml-explainer - multimedia package for social media sharing, website embedding
peopleSuite middleware - payroll made easy by connecting your biometric devices to your human resource information system (HRIS)
serbizhub-mail - enterprise-grade email service for your custom domain
SerbizHub Helpdesk - to traffic the voluminous messages coming your way and ensure none of them get dropped by neglect.
See Also