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eLibrary Project Partnership


Every eLibrary Project is a partnership between a school and the eLibrary Project champions. The hardware and technologies that make up the eLibrary System are secondary to the partnership formed around the idea of technology-assisted holistic education. Every partner school has to take ownership of the Project by incorporating the eLibrary system into its teaching and learning activities. Teachers have to demonstrate substantial use of the system by incorporating its materials in their lesson plans and instructional activities. Students need to reflect certain materials from the eLibrary in their learning portfolios, book reports, curricular and non-curricular activities. Administratrors need to provide supporting infrastructure and to encourage greater utilization of the eLibrary service.


Project Champions

Project Sponsors

Project Sponsors would provide the hardware necessary for the deployment of the eLibrary system. For deployment in a big school with hundreds of students, project sponsorship involves supplying the server, for a school that already has a local area network (LAN), some workstations, and a wifi access point (WAP). Otherwise, all these gears will have to be provided by Project Sponsors.

For small schools, a project sponsor would provide for the direct cost of the Library In a Box.

Project Sponsors also have to spend for the transportation and accommodation of Technology Providers.

Technology Support Providers

Technology providers would set up the eLibrary System at the school. Pre-deployment preparations have to be done by the technology providers as well.

For a scaled-up deployment, the technology support providers need to partner with colleges or institutions nearby capable of technically supporting the project. This can mean providing a trainors' training on the setup and deployment of the eLibrary system as well as on the training of school teachers and students.

At the school site, the technology support providers have to conduct training among the school faculty on the use of eLibrary System. Students (either en masse or through their representatives) will also have to be engaged on the use the materials in the eLibary.

Partner School

Teachers will have to propose specific plans to make the utilization of the eLibrary resources as a centering activity for various aspects of the school's academic life. For instance, students may commit to include the use of the eLibrary in his lesson plan.

Students are to be encouraged to do activities that incorporate the eLibrary resources into their learning portfolio or experience.

Administrators should propose creative ways of incentivizing the utilization of the eLibrary resources by students and teachers.

See Also