moodLearning Wiki

This is an old revision of the document!


  • Internship or on-the-job training at MoodLearning is unpaid. However, for certain projects where interns demonstrate high-level skills, they are given token honoraria.
  • Interns are expected to use MoodLearning's project management platform to keep track of their projects.
  • Unsatisfactory performance of duties and responsibilities, together with absenteeism and tardiness, is a ground for dismissal from the internship program.
  • Your training at MoodLearning is beneficial to both yourself and MoodLearning. Don't let it be a one-directional affair.

Group Work

  • Whenever possible, commit codes and other output documents through a Git system at MoodLearning. Consult your supervisor for your setup.
  • Refrain from deleting anything unless with expressed permission from all groupmates and the Sysad, unless work is committed through a versioning system.
  • Always backup files before applying changes.
  • Document group process.