Make sure you have the latest version of the Zoom app installed.
For private webinars, do NOT release the webinar link and passcode to the public. Nor share it with people you don’t know or not authorized to participate.
Use your full name (rather than some shady handles) in your Zoom account. It might be compared with an official list of participants.
For moodLearning-supported private webinars for professional training, participants are required to log in (at least 20 minutes before the event) at your designated learning management system (LMS) for check-in. Usually the webinar link is provided through the LMS. Further announcements are given or pre-webinar activities (like pre-test) are conducted on the LMS.
If you intent to participate using your video cam, make sure your Internet connection has about 2MB uplink/upload rate.
Steps in Joining a moodLearning-powered Webinar
Log in at your LMS (e.g., using your registered login name and password. Look out for additional notices. assignments, or instructions. For first time login: supply additional info (phone and other required details).
Click on the webinar button for the day. You'll be redirected to the webinar event.
Register, and participate!
Hosts, Co-hosts, Alternative Host
Use Zoom’s waiting room to help vet people wanting to participate.
Use no-video, no-mic as default setting for those who come in for the first time.
Resource Persons
Come 15-20 minutes early and set up with your hosts. You'll be assigned as panelists (which should make it easier for you to log in early, share your screens, view comments and chat).