{{ :webpa.jpg?600 |}} ====== WebPA ====== Web-based Peer Assessment (WebPA) is an online automated tool for peer-moderated marking of group work. Students carry out a group task that gets assessed as group performance. Traditionally each student receives the same team mark, **regardless** of individual performance. With WebPA, however, each student would receive an adjusted mark, as a result of peer evaluation.\\ \\ Traditionally this is how group work is graded: \\ {{ ::assess.png?600 |}} \\ With WebPA, grading of group work may now look something like this:\\ \\ {{ ::assess2.png?600 |}} \\ There's nuance, as peer evaluation is imputed into the marking process. On WebPA, to be generated for each individual group member is a ‘weighting factor’ derived from each student’s input against defined criteria. Based on the total mark given to the group performance, the weighting factor is then used to moderate points for individual student mark. \\ \\ WebPA can be activated on [[https://moodlearning.com|moodLearning]]-powered learning management system (LMS). \\ \\ ===== Scales ===== In WebPA, there are two different ways that your student can score each other: Likert scale and Split 100.\\ \\ **Likert scale**\\ {{ ::likert.png?350 |}} \\ The default WebPA scoring uses Likert scale. Students rate each other against a small Likert scale, typically 1-5 or 1-10, by simply clicking the appropriate radio button.\\ \\ **Split 100**\\ {{ ::split100.png?350 |}} \\ With Split 100, on the other hand, students in the group must split 100 marks between their groupmates for each criterion. Each score is entered manually into the appropriate box. The scores for each criterion must total 100. Students using this method will be made more aware of the effects of their peer assessment scores. Giving more marks to one groupmate means others are getting less.\\ \\ ===== Grading===== With WebPA, a teacher can grade the students according to the overall assessment result.\\ {{ ::180px-assessment.png?300 |}} \\ \\ A marking of grades would look like this:\\ {{ ::500px-marking.png?300 |}} \\ \\ Grades will be visible in the Gradebook then.\\ {{ ::250px-grader.png?300 |}} ---- ===== Contact ===== Interested in the service? Contact: contact@moodlearning.com\\ site: [[https://moodlearning.com|moodlearning.com]]\\ ---- ===== See Also===== * [[http://webpaproject.lboro.ac.uk|WebPA Project]] * [[How to Use WebPA on your LMS]] \\ \\ ----