====== Raspbian Upgrade for eLib Box ====== ====== Upgrade====== As it it, the Tambayayong eLib Box is released as a stand-alone deployment. No need for any upgrade with the OS. (The contents could be changed to suit the needs of partner schools.) \\ \\ However, in certain cases (say, changing board to Raspberry Pi 3 Beta **Plus**) where a later system is needed, one may upgrade the OS. As of this writing, Raspbian "Jessie" (version 8) is used as default version of the operating system. Check if there's enough space on your microSD card. Also confirm version with less /etc/os-release To upgrade to the later version ("Stretch" as of this writing), connect the box to the internet via RJ-45 jack, and do sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade To ensure you have everything of the upgrade version, do sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade Packages have to be upgraded as well, and they may have to be "forced" sudo rpi-update Edit /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list to ensure "stretch" is indicated. For instance, deb http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian stretch main ui You may have to remove the changelog sudo apt-get remove apt-listchanges for faster upgrade. \\ \\ Repeat the update/upgrade routine. Once done, clean up: sudo apt-get autoremove -y sudo apt-get autoclean Then reboot. \\