====== Content Aggregation Examples ====== Content aggregation examples for [[library-box|Library in a Box]] and [[elibrary-system|Tambayayong eLibrary System]] (TeLS). * [[https://www.ted.com/talks/quick-list|TED Talks]] Download all high-quality TED Talks videos using [[https://aria2.github.io|aria2]] and [[http://metated.petarmaric.com/download.en.html|metalinks]]. aria2c http://metated.petarmaric.com/metalinks/TED-talks-grouped-by-publishing-year-in-high-quality.en.metalink With the resulting files, you may generate the html code for user navigation purposes. tree -H baseHREF >> index.html You may, however, still have to clean parts of out the output code. * Youtube playlist Download using [[https://rg3.github.io/youtube-dl/|youtube-dl]]. See also [[https://itsfoss.com/download-youtube-linux/|this]]. Sample playlist here: [[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9GwT4_YRZdBf9nIUHs0zjrnUVl-KBNSM|A History of Philosophy]] youtube# youtube-dl -i -f mp4 --yes-playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yat0ZKduW18&list=PL9GwT4_YRZdBf9nIUHs0zjrnUVl-KBNSM From there, general index using the //tree// command (as shown above). \\ \\ ====== GUI Download Tools ====== Alternative tools to download videos: * [[https://clipgrab.org|Clipgrab]] \\ \\ ====== See Also ====== * [[eLib Contents Changelogs]]