moodLearning Wiki

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Zoom Webinars


  • Install the latest version of the Zoom app.
  • Do not release the zoom meeting link and password to the public or to people you don’t know.
  • Use your full name (rather than some shady handles) in your Zoom account. It might be compared with an official list of participants.
  • For moodLearning-supported private webinars for professional training, participants are required to log in (at least 10 minutes before the event) at your designated learning management system (LMS) for check-in prior to the actual webinar. Usually the webinar link is provided through the LMS. Further announcements are given or pre-webinar activities (like pre-test) are conducted on the LMS.

Hosts, Co-hosts, Alternative Host

  • Use Zoom’s waiting room to help vet people wanting to participate.
  • Use no-video, no-mic as default for those who come in for the first time.