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Kaisipan Box

The Kaisipan Box contains an LMS (learning management system), a library or repository of learning materials (sample collection here), and a simple CMS (content management system - sample mount here). Such combination is articulated at

Without Internet, the repository, the LMS, and the CMS of the Box are accessible via wifi, using browsers of access devices such laptops, mobile phones, computers. Donations of old smart phones, tablets, and laptops are especially encouraged by the Project.

Use Cases

General conditions:

  • no face-to-face classes under community quarantine
  • schools and teachers give out printed modules for main lessons
  • teachers are familiar with the contents and workings of the Kaisipan Box and are willing to integrate the Kaisipan Box into the teaching and learning experience of the school
  • Internet connection is spotty (if not altogether absent) in the area where the Box is deployed

Use Case 1: With electricity in students' houses. Among students, the Kaisipan Box is passed around by schedule, to support either structured, semi-structured, or independent learning.

Use Case 2: Without electricity in students' houses. The Box comes with battery and pre-charged access device. Among students, the Kaisipan Box is passed around by being “checked out” from the school or a volunteer organization, to support either structured, semi-structured, or independent learning.

Use Case 3: a family or cluster of families build the Box themselves to supplement DepEd instruction.

Use Case 4: the Box is co-located with local ISPs or on local networks such that when people access or they are directed to the locally mounted box for faster access in areas where the Internet connectivity is only spotty.


  • habal-habal (motorcycle)-mounted Kaisipan Box visiting areas or households
  • solar-powered Kaisipan Box mounted in key areas in the community
  • Kaisipan Box is provided with local channel on the cable network that plays Kaisipan contents on the loop or curated as a K-12 program
  • Kaisipan Box is extended as a micro-FM radio station that plays Kaisipan Box contents.